So while looking at some of the food blogs I like to salivate too I found a recipe for lemon cream scones here and if you can believe it I had all the ingredients and whipped up a batch and let me tell you if you like scones these are gooooood and easy to make. The only thing I did different was I used vanilla extract instead of lemon so the lemon was very subtle. My friend dawn once posted about a slab scone where you just roll out the dough and add some jam.
I have only five weeks till junebug is due and she is demanding some baked goods and so I have to oblige what kind of mother would I be neglecting the little one in my tummy?
Dakota has been making a brew of her own. She has been working on it for a few days now adding this that and the other thing. Essie really seems to enjoy it, I keep seeing her drink from it rather than her plain old water.
And randy caught dakota and i doing a little music and dance number and proceeded to ask is this what you guys do all day? The answer, 'well pretty much'
Tomorrow morning my parents and derek and tisha are coming over for some huevos rancheros. I am cooking breakfast on mothers day and totally okay with it. It may be because I am pregnant and want what I want the way I want it, well that is it really. I hope all you mommies out there have a great day just as you would like it to be.
MMMmmmm. Heuvos Racheros. MMMmmm.
Happy Mothers Day.
Oh, mini filled scones! Yum! Great idea!
Happy Mother's Day!!
Hi Bear,
Great breakfast smells this am and a fun time for all. Dakota never ceases to amaze me with her energy. I hope the new little one can stay up with her????
Love Ya
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