Little miss Dakota and I went in search of a park with no one at it this afternoon and we succeeded. Randy was watching his Vikings play so it was a perfect time to get out of the house. Dakota so needed some outside time. There is this tiny park down in the keys, really it is only for residents of the keys but there was no one there so we were happy. The bay is right there although the water looks less than fresh. After letting dakota dip her toes and knees in I saw a sign "water not for swimming" opps. It is funny to me, dakota loves water, when we are at the beach she doesn't come out until she has too because she is shivering and her lips are blue so I think okay she is a water bug. But in a pool or tub or jacuzzi she has no interest at all in dunking. We are starting swim lessons next month it will be interesting.
She has been really good with finding things to do. Today we played house and while I was on my run she and randy watched the Olympics. They found the gymnastics where the girls use props, like hula hoops. When I got home I got to watch the routine Dakota had made up, it was quite awesome if I do say so myself. One thing I need to work on is being more creative while we are homebound.
I dare say the pox are on the way out, I am noticing more scabs than red bumps so we will be back in the world in no time. The good thing about this blogging is I am back into using the camera