Dakota has them. So far not so bad. She is itching but really good if I catch her she stops. I had shingles two weeks ago and I really thought we were in the clear but we were not. It is funny here I thought I would have tons to say but really not. I am hoping this blog will be a great way for me to look back and relive fun moments and a great way to share with my friends and family the goings on in our world. It is a good little world and I am thankful often. So more to come this is just the beginning.
maui 2019
5 years ago
Yay, you got it up and running! Hope you guys ride out the chicken pox a-OK!
Get well soon Dakota! So happy to see you blogging!
thanks. so far so good. sorry for taking jett away. there are still some question i have so when we are healthy I still want you to come over.
Are you and Dakota going to show me how to do this??? Or do I have to ask your brother ???
Don't ask me, I'm a printer, and wireless network fixer. Very kewl that you are blogging. Get well little niece.
want me to suck your little titty?
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