Yesterday we were going to head to the park with Sierra and her girls
but first we were going to go by sierra's to get the girls fed.
Well we hadn't been there long before the girls started playing out back
and then some more friends came over and before you know it
the back cement is the best place to be.

I love that, I love that fun is anywhere and everywhere

and kids are the best at reminding us of that.
Leela, Sierra and I hung out in the shade
watching and laughing
and always chatting
and snoozing.
I may have mentioned this already but sierra and i have been friends since we were nine and ten. My family lived in a the condo downstairs from her family, it was awesome.
It is funny when you have known someone that long you would think that you have talked about everything but still we can talk for hours.
Leela had a bath the other day and I washed her head/hair for the first time.

She really likes water and bathing but she was not thrilled about the wet head.
Is it wrong that I love that picture, how cute is that sad face? Very cute!
She is already feeling big to me, she is growing too fast and it has only been five weeks! I once heard that women who nurse make different fat content milk and I think with dakota I made skim and with leela I am making whole, funny. Dakota was chunky for awhile and then it all went away and she was this tiny little mover and shaker.
I need to pull some of dakota's baby pics, our computer crashed so I only have them on disk now and haven't looked at them in awhile.
Five very awesome wonderful weeks. I was looking at a preggo picture thinking that was you (you being leela).
All cozy in my tummy growing and kicking, absolutely amazing.
My grandma is in town and this weekend so are my aunt, uncle and cousins.
And later my other aunt, uncle and cousin are coming for a bbq, good times ahead.
but first we were going to go by sierra's to get the girls fed.
Well we hadn't been there long before the girls started playing out back
and then some more friends came over and before you know it
the back cement is the best place to be.
I love that, I love that fun is anywhere and everywhere
and kids are the best at reminding us of that.
Leela, Sierra and I hung out in the shade
and always chatting
I may have mentioned this already but sierra and i have been friends since we were nine and ten. My family lived in a the condo downstairs from her family, it was awesome.
It is funny when you have known someone that long you would think that you have talked about everything but still we can talk for hours.
Leela had a bath the other day and I washed her head/hair for the first time.
She really likes water and bathing but she was not thrilled about the wet head.
She is already feeling big to me, she is growing too fast and it has only been five weeks! I once heard that women who nurse make different fat content milk and I think with dakota I made skim and with leela I am making whole, funny. Dakota was chunky for awhile and then it all went away and she was this tiny little mover and shaker.
I need to pull some of dakota's baby pics, our computer crashed so I only have them on disk now and haven't looked at them in awhile.
Five very awesome wonderful weeks. I was looking at a preggo picture thinking that was you (you being leela).
My grandma is in town and this weekend so are my aunt, uncle and cousins.