Since going we have made a couple library friends that we meet up with at the park. Dakota makes friends with everyone and everywhere we go. I love that about her, her openness to talking to everyone and becoming friends with everyone. A couple of weeks ago we were walking down at the beach and a young woman was sitting on the wall reading a book so of course dakota, who was walking on said wall hops down and asks her what she is doing, what her name is, where does she live, does she have any daughters... The lady was very kind and encouraged the conversation. So I finally get dakota away but about 25 yards or so later she stops and says that she has to go back and ask her if she (the young lady) would like to be her friend and so she goes running back "do you want to be my friend" it was very sweet and so true to who dakota is.
So today was our usual tuesday, made a little different in that we went on a walk with andi and mia before the library. Along the way we spotted a ton of black caterpillars in this one area.
Then it was off to story time. Our favorite lady was there, she brings her guitar and really has a good sense of the kids and their energy level. After the library we headed off to the park with andi and mia and our new friends from the library. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a great time running around, playing with one another.
Then it was home for a nap and then we met up with a new friend at arroyo. Some months back dakota and I were at trader joes and there was a little boy, jack, there with his mom and baby sister, we were on the same path so dakota and jack played throughout the store just having a great time. So the mom and I exchanged numbers so we could get the two kids together at the park or something. Well needless to say we never called each other but the other night I went to this meeting (a small group of preggers getting together as an emotional birthing class) and guess who was the organizer/mediator... jacks mom. Funny how the world works. So we got together with them today and had a great time at arroyo.