were excited to find a shoe in the tree and dakota really wanted me to climb up and get it down.
It amazes me how things like this happen
did someone continually try to throw it?
She was really funny she at first she was saying there is something in the tree and we have to save it, she was saying it with such urgency then kind of as an aside to let me know she said 'it is a shoe'. I could see her working and making the distinction of I (she) am going to pretend that that shoe is something else but really I (dakota) know it is just a shoe. After the shoe excitement there was some hill rolling and some other dog meetings and some ring around the rosies. And I am not sure how I feel about this but while pretending one of there pretends was they were watching tv???? It was fun and Dakota didn't want to leave. I wonder if we will continue to have the same conversation about this lack of play structure each time???
I had a good run this morning with Andi. We did 7+ miles and overall I felt pretty good. I have been feeling if nothing else a little more consistent....one okay run followed by a really hard one is just not fun. But I have been making an effort to get out more and I think I just don't go well with days off from running I lose my momentum to fast. We have some fun plans this weekend. Tomorrow I am heading back over to my moms for more canning yay.
Good Night.