she does everything with gusto!
Really, I feel like it was just a blast and we did some really fun things, we had the chicken pox, we went to LACMA, we went to the zoo, we had a baby shower for our friend Amy and we played played played. Then there was the fair and Dakota's little dance performance that was awesome. Back to school and starting school for the first time, here comes fall and I am ready and I think I share that sentiment with some of you.
Dakota and her buddy Kyra!
The great thing about blogging for me is I have an awful memory but this month I feel like I have been talking about it and taking more pictures so it feels fresher and like we did just a ton of great activities.
I am excited what the coming months bring. Dakota started swimming lessons today and at first she was apprehensive but then she got into it and had a blast, then she got cold and she was ready to be done. But I was really impressed with the teacher there was no pressure he would ask 'hey you want to try to blow bubbles with your nose' dakota or another child would say no and he would move on then he would ask again.
Having fun!
For all my canning friends out there, I finally made it over to do some canning with my mom and her friend this last weekend and it was wonderful we were on fire until my mom scorched her fingers. It was really bad. My mom the nurse refused to go to Urgent Care, she just kept her fingers in ice water for about eight hours (don't ask). But we (me and my mom's friend Judith) pushed on.
We are going to try for this saturday too because we were not able to do all that we wanted. We did two batches of strawberry jam, two batches of bread and butter pickles ( i added jalapenos to a couple jars to try to be like those wickles yummy) and a batch of tomatoes. Judith brought the most beautiful tomatoes and so we did a tomato tasting. I wish I could remember all of there names but I do remember my favorite was the purple Cherokee. It was just a really great day. Actually before we got there we celebrated my friend Andi's (hi Andi) Birthday at Arroyo Verde.
The park was really not in use which was surprising for labor day weekend but so great the girls had a blast and our other friend Aubrei (hi aubrei) made this yummy coconut strawberry cake. It was truly a great weekend.
And a little girl got a big girl haircut!
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