So I was thinking I wouldn't blog today as my camera is still kaput. But we had a good day and I want to remember it. Marie was over today and Dakota and I had a conversation last night about how we treat our guests... we share all of our toys, we offer them food and/or drink first, overall we are kind and gracious to friends that come over. And
dakota did great aside from a couple moments of losing it she let Marie choose which car seat she wanted (that is always a hot debate), she would offer her food first and then tonight when I was putting her to bed she said 'was I nice to
marie' and I said yes you did a great job today and then I got a huge hug. I was really proud of her that is a really hard lesson and I know this is just the beginning but I realize this is something that is important to me for her to learn.
We went to the park today with
marie and we met
andi and
mia there and also
aubrei and
maya. I think overall the girls all played really well together. Before anyone arrived I noticed some type of hawk or falcon or some bird of prey. The park we went to was right smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood so it was really interesting to see and the crows were not happy to see him/her there and this one crow just sat above all fluffed out and cawing at it. I think it may have been an
american kestrel but really I know nothing about birds but this is what it looked
I tell you what over the last month (all times when I have not had my camera) we have seen some really interesting things. About three weeks ago we saw a decent sized
preying mantis in a defensive posture and it hissed at
dakota. I included that site because after seeing it I wanted to know more because I didn't know they hissed and this particular one was light brown/tan and I thought they were all green. That website was awesome. Then about two weeks ago while running down at the beach we spotted a
legless lizard. At first I ran past it thinking it was just a worm but a few steps after I stopped and rethought what I had just seen so we go back and sure enough it is not a worm at all and I thought it was a snake but in my looking I found the above sight and that is what it looked like and it burrowed into the sand really easily. It is fun to keep your eyes open I am learning there are lots of new things to see.
So I had a great run this morning. Andi and I pushed the pace and it felt good. We do two hills, good hills at the end of the run and even those felt good in that I love and hate running up hill way.
So no photos but still blogging....Well here is a blast from the past just because I can't help myself
barley two!
always running!
and just so beautiful!