Every wednesday I think I love my family.
Dakota has gotten us into this tradition of holding hands sometime during dinner, whenever she remembers, and we all say something that we are happy about or something we hope for and it is very nice and often one of us says something about loving wednesdays or loving the consistency or wednesdays and it is true I feel very blessed to not only live close to my parents and derek and tisha but that we are close in our hearts as well.
Last night was my turn to cook I did phyllo wrapped chicken, I thought it was good but needs a little fussing next time, more herbs maybe. And then my friend amy gave me some home grown bok choy and broccoli so I sauteed those up along with a green salad with a creamy basil dressing, yummy!
Last night the conversation was light and after dinner derek got his ukulele out, he got it for christmas and has been loving it, and he played and sang and at one point dakota and my mom and dad were singing too.
I never thought I had a musical family, well we all love music we just don't play it so it has been really neat to see derek taking up this instrument and then last night having this little sing along.

I love it! And last night was one of my favorites brownies warm with ice cream, hot fudge and whip cream ahhhhh. I really love dessert. I mean I think about it before I think about dinner or anything else. When dakota is not in the kitchen I sneak cookies or bites of something I made even if it is only 730 in the morning. Of course when she asks for some I say "honey that is not a breakfast food, it is not a good way to start your day" LIAR mommy that is what I am but I will take it on for the time being. Really I am a hypocrite because I know I shouldn't and I don't think it is the healthiest way to start the day but she doesn't need to know that until she is older when she can handle the truth ahahahahahha.
earlier in the day while at arroyo we ran into uncle derek, dakota was thrilled
My sweet girl didn't get a nap yesterday so she was in major crazy mode last night running my mom raged. It is amazing how when she is tired she goes to the other level of craziness and you can just see she is off her rocker tired, I hate missing naps.
But no matter what I love my wednesdays!
Dakota has gotten us into this tradition of holding hands sometime during dinner, whenever she remembers, and we all say something that we are happy about or something we hope for and it is very nice and often one of us says something about loving wednesdays or loving the consistency or wednesdays and it is true I feel very blessed to not only live close to my parents and derek and tisha but that we are close in our hearts as well.
Last night was my turn to cook I did phyllo wrapped chicken, I thought it was good but needs a little fussing next time, more herbs maybe. And then my friend amy gave me some home grown bok choy and broccoli so I sauteed those up along with a green salad with a creamy basil dressing, yummy!
Last night the conversation was light and after dinner derek got his ukulele out, he got it for christmas and has been loving it, and he played and sang and at one point dakota and my mom and dad were singing too.
I love it! And last night was one of my favorites brownies warm with ice cream, hot fudge and whip cream ahhhhh. I really love dessert. I mean I think about it before I think about dinner or anything else. When dakota is not in the kitchen I sneak cookies or bites of something I made even if it is only 730 in the morning. Of course when she asks for some I say "honey that is not a breakfast food, it is not a good way to start your day" LIAR mommy that is what I am but I will take it on for the time being. Really I am a hypocrite because I know I shouldn't and I don't think it is the healthiest way to start the day but she doesn't need to know that until she is older when she can handle the truth ahahahahahha.
My sweet girl didn't get a nap yesterday so she was in major crazy mode last night running my mom raged. It is amazing how when she is tired she goes to the other level of craziness and you can just see she is off her rocker tired, I hate missing naps.
But no matter what I love my wednesdays!