What an amazing couple of weeks. Our beautiful miss Leela Amber is here and she is beautiful and smells of a new baby and I am just overwhelmed with emotion and love and adoration.

I have to thank my mom for blessing me with awesome birthing genes. Our little lady was born at home (actually my parents home where dakota was born). And while this sounds crazy I love labor and delivery. I love it like I loved the marathon while I was running it I was not so sure I loved it

but once I was done looking back I loved it.
She was born at 742 am and so it was a very peaceful, calm morning. My mom and dad were there of course as was dakota and randy and also my girlfriend tisa
and all of them helped me in ways only the ones who love you can.
And beautiful, amazing, wonderful karni, my midwife, who words can not describe the care and love and support she gave me as well as diane her assistant who was also there with dakota. Both of them are just beyond words.
Dakota was amazing
she would sway with me during me contractions, which she thoughtfully referred to as concentrates because tisa had explained to her that while I was having a contraction I needed to concentrate. But she stayed through it all and at one point she tried to shush me because I was getting to loud for her comfort.
Like dakota lillie, leela amber came fast. I would say all in all I was in labor for about four and a half hours. And there were times I was thinking in my head 'I can't do this, they are going to need to get me to the hospital for some pain meds' but we didn't and she arrived healthy and beautiful.

Dakota is an awesome big sister! She loves her little sister A LOT! And I think so far the transition for her is going well.
We have had a busy four weeks. Last weekend not only was dakota a flower girl (daddy was the best man) in a wedding but she also had her first dance recital. Saturday was the wedding
and she was beautiful and she and her friend kyra danced the night away.
Then on sunday she was up on stage tap dancing away.
Well the dance number was a little questionable but she was so cute it brought tears to my eyes.
When I say questionable I mean there was some dancing, some silliness, some standing, some looking around, some waving, it was a hoot.
Other than that we have been trying to get out more and more to the parks to play with friends. It is impossible to keep a four and a half year old in, especially when her name is dakota lillie, aka girl on the go.

I am loving life with my two girls and while it is so hard in some ways randy being out of work right now it has been wonderful having him home with us. He gets up with dakota on the days when I am up more with leela at night and just the time he is getting with us is really a blessing. It has been hard getting on the computer but I would like to start posting more so we shall see, but that is all for tonight.

I have to thank my mom for blessing me with awesome birthing genes. Our little lady was born at home (actually my parents home where dakota was born). And while this sounds crazy I love labor and delivery. I love it like I loved the marathon while I was running it I was not so sure I loved it
but once I was done looking back I loved it.
She was born at 742 am and so it was a very peaceful, calm morning. My mom and dad were there of course as was dakota and randy and also my girlfriend tisa

Dakota was amazing

Like dakota lillie, leela amber came fast. I would say all in all I was in labor for about four and a half hours. And there were times I was thinking in my head 'I can't do this, they are going to need to get me to the hospital for some pain meds' but we didn't and she arrived healthy and beautiful.

Dakota is an awesome big sister! She loves her little sister A LOT! And I think so far the transition for her is going well.
We have had a busy four weeks. Last weekend not only was dakota a flower girl (daddy was the best man) in a wedding but she also had her first dance recital. Saturday was the wedding
Other than that we have been trying to get out more and more to the parks to play with friends. It is impossible to keep a four and a half year old in, especially when her name is dakota lillie, aka girl on the go.
I am loving life with my two girls and while it is so hard in some ways randy being out of work right now it has been wonderful having him home with us. He gets up with dakota on the days when I am up more with leela at night and just the time he is getting with us is really a blessing. It has been hard getting on the computer but I would like to start posting more so we shall see, but that is all for tonight.