Thursday was a busy busy good day. Dakota had ballet in the morning and then I was off for two appointments so dakota and randy had the rest of the morning to themselves and I think they had fun.

It is fun to be uploading pictures and come across ones I had no idea were there.
After I got home I convinced dakota to take a nap, which has not been happening and it needs to but she has been waking up late which leads to late nap which leads to late bedtime which is tops on my list, that is going to bed early I need my evenings mostes. I knew we would be out later than bed time and she just gets CRAZY when she doesn't sleep and is up late. So after nap I started in on my second pie of the month.
I found this recipe in the food network magazine which I am really liking. I have tried several recipes from the magazine and have enjoyed most if not all of them. This pie recipe was for a sugar cream pie and it is funny because reading the recipe I was not that excited but there was some thing about it that kept calling to me to try it and I am glad I did. It was super easy and super yummy.
We paired it up with some farmers market strawberries
after a super yummy spaghetti dinner my mom made. I love love love her spaghetti, it is always a little different but always similar and it could be one of my favorite meals.
It was a very nice night not a lot of chatting. Me, derek and dad got sucked into a show after dinner and dakota and mom were reading elsewhere. Tisha was not there and it was not because it was her birthday, which it was, it was because she had her anatomy II final on her birthday, which she rocked! So we were thinking about her and she was there is spirit.
Dakota is in a show with her ballet place next month and she was going to give us all a little preshow viewing, she even invited some other guests.

But what she did was some starwarslightsaberinterprative dance funny stuff.

Then, the little lady just cracks me up, I was telling everyone this hysterical story about dakota and this woman. We were at a birthday party and this older woman there, who must not be around very many four year olds, introduces herself to dakota, the woman says her name and then asks dakota can you say, I can't remember her name but let's say for the sake of the story Patricia, and so dakota says patricia then dakota goes on to say 'my name is dakota can you say dakota'! Too funny, I get finished telling the story and me and mom are in hysterics laughing so are dad and derek but mom and I have lost it. Dakota on the other hand leaves the room, totally sad that we are laughing at her. It took awhile to explain to her that we were not laughing at her and that it is good to laugh and to see humor in life. She was okay in the end but it never ceases to amaze me how fragile her feelings can be at times, how sensitive all of us can be when we don't understand.

It is fun to be uploading pictures and come across ones I had no idea were there.
After I got home I convinced dakota to take a nap, which has not been happening and it needs to but she has been waking up late which leads to late nap which leads to late bedtime which is tops on my list, that is going to bed early I need my evenings mostes. I knew we would be out later than bed time and she just gets CRAZY when she doesn't sleep and is up late. So after nap I started in on my second pie of the month.
We paired it up with some farmers market strawberries
It was a very nice night not a lot of chatting. Me, derek and dad got sucked into a show after dinner and dakota and mom were reading elsewhere. Tisha was not there and it was not because it was her birthday, which it was, it was because she had her anatomy II final on her birthday, which she rocked! So we were thinking about her and she was there is spirit.
Dakota is in a show with her ballet place next month and she was going to give us all a little preshow viewing, she even invited some other guests.
But what she did was some starwarslightsaberinterprative dance funny stuff.
Then, the little lady just cracks me up, I was telling everyone this hysterical story about dakota and this woman. We were at a birthday party and this older woman there, who must not be around very many four year olds, introduces herself to dakota, the woman says her name and then asks dakota can you say, I can't remember her name but let's say for the sake of the story Patricia, and so dakota says patricia then dakota goes on to say 'my name is dakota can you say dakota'! Too funny, I get finished telling the story and me and mom are in hysterics laughing so are dad and derek but mom and I have lost it. Dakota on the other hand leaves the room, totally sad that we are laughing at her. It took awhile to explain to her that we were not laughing at her and that it is good to laugh and to see humor in life. She was okay in the end but it never ceases to amaze me how fragile her feelings can be at times, how sensitive all of us can be when we don't understand.