My morning started off with some sugar. Dakota knows I love my candy and sugar so she and randy got me a twix and some starburst, yummy. I hate to admit that I love that kind of junk candy but I do and I try to never buy it so it was a nice treat.
Well the huevos were a hit (at least in my eyes) and I was feeling the need for some homemade flour tortillas so I attempted to whip some up. I think they were good the texture could use some work I think I may have over cooked them, but all in all they were really yummy.
The rest of the day was really mellow. Dakota who hasn't been napping took a great nap with me, which is somewhat of a curse because as I write she is still not asleep and probably wont be for another at least half hour.
In the afternoon our friends andi, mia and ed called and said they were headed down to the circus.
I don't think I have ever been to the circus and for a long time I was flat out boycotting them because elephants and circuses are just not okay or any large animal for that matter.
But I was told the largest animals there were horses and I had already uttered the word circus and so little lady d was totally jazzed.

So it was off to the circus for us and really it was very good. Dakota had a blast her eyes were wide the whole time.
She has had this thing for trapezes for awhile now and so we have youtubed them and today she got to see them for real and she was amazed.
A great day.
Well the huevos were a hit (at least in my eyes) and I was feeling the need for some homemade flour tortillas so I attempted to whip some up. I think they were good the texture could use some work I think I may have over cooked them, but all in all they were really yummy.
The rest of the day was really mellow. Dakota who hasn't been napping took a great nap with me, which is somewhat of a curse because as I write she is still not asleep and probably wont be for another at least half hour.
In the afternoon our friends andi, mia and ed called and said they were headed down to the circus.
So it was off to the circus for us and really it was very good. Dakota had a blast her eyes were wide the whole time.
She has had this thing for trapezes for awhile now and so we have youtubed them and today she got to see them for real and she was amazed.
A great day.
I was toying with the idea of going to the circus too, but like you was a bit hesitant, worried that we would see "sad" animals. Maybe we'll go check it out!
Great breakfast indeed, thank you. Hope your day after Mother's Day has been equally great.
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