Before I go any further I am sad to say I don't think we will being doing story time at the down town library anymore. I love going to story time but the readers there are really really really hit and miss and when it is a miss it is not good at all. The stories are too long and not at the level of the audience so it is hard to tell dakota to sit still and listen to the story when I know she can't get into the story. And so I have this sadness of really wanting to support the library but at the same time the reader at barnes and noble was awesome, she got the kids up and moving and read great books and was an enthusiastic when she read. My big dilemma.
We had a visit with Karni, which was great, junebug is head down engaged yay. The girls always love going and helping with the doppler and measuring.
So then we did story time and the park and then sierra picked marie up at the park and dakota and I headed home. When we got home the pool was ready and waiting for dakota and it was somewhat warm because of the sunshine.
And look my corn is sprouting yay!
My radishes are growing wild. Looks like everything is pretty cool at your house See you in awhile. Remember the praying mantis in Folsom???
Love Dad
Sad to hear about library story time... I often think about how fun it would be to be a storyteller at the library... maybe someday! It's too bad they can't get more enthusiastic storytellers.
Bug fun and water play... we always love those things!! :)
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