The day started off with apple pancakes ( I love her blog the chicken pot pie looks amazing) bacon and eggs. The apple pancakes need some work they didn't come out like the picture and were a little more doughy on the inside but still the flavor was good. Then dakota and i headed off to my parents house. We were just planning on staying for a couple hours but truthfully that never happens.
That is not to say I am lazy, me no. I mean I get up and play a little too. really.
My dad has been excepted to a masters program at.... dad what is the school again?... anyway it is for their fine arts program in photography (correct me where I am wrong dad) anyway he has this great new camera and it is amazing to see the difference he let me use it and while dakota loves to make faces at the camera and run from the camera I caught her in a moment of singing happy birthday to me (not my birthday)
And now that my dad has his fancy new camera I get his old (not old he just bought it maybe six months ago) camera to use for the time being, yay.
I am so proud of my dad for going back to school, especially doing photography. He has always taken these amazing photos and so it is wonderful to see him pursuing this passion. This is going to sound lame but sometimes at moments I feel old (relatively speaking) but then I see people doing new things at all ages and it reminds me that I am so so so far from old and that I still have tons of time to find my passions and go out and live them.
Thanks for having us over mom and dad we had a great time as always.
I love lazy Sundays. Except we all nap much too long after church, then the evening gets really thrown off.
But looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow at the park.
And congrats on your dad getting into the master's program. I'm assuming Brooks?
Sounds wonderful!
Hard to beat relaxing & playing with family!
no it is online through new york something I feel lame for not remembering
Nice sounding day Kris. Good to hear you guys relaxed on Sunday. I put him to work on Saturday. Not really, I asked him to come over and help me prune my fruit trees. They look great now. Since Pops hasn't chimed in yet, its the Academy of Art University out of Frisco. He was accepted at both. See ya on Wednesday.
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