As for the run itself it went good for the most part. I was thinking back and I think it was more than a year ago but another time where I felt similar to the way I have been feeling, heavy legs, only able to do the bare minimum, but it passed so maybe it is just the rhythm of my body. So I am just going to keep keeping on. Although I think the idea of cross training is a great one. And what derek said about the push remaining constant is a good thing to remember always.
So after the run we went to farmers market (see below) and that was nice it just always feels good to go and buy local. I am excited about apples and citrus but sad that stone fruit and melons and berries are pretty much on their way out the door.
Dakota had dance today and I keep hearing her teacher telling her to slow down, which is so hard for dakota, but a good lesson.
After Marie left we were off to a luncheon, ha, we went to the cheesecake factory for a fun lunch with andi, mia, aubrei, maya, jenn, kai and dax and we had a blast. I feel bad for the others sitting on the patio but it really was a lovely time. Dakota, Kai and Maya had a kissing party
and it was just about the cutest thing ever, wait till they get older won't be so cute and I am sure they will be mortified that we have pictures
Then it was off to the folks house for dinner... (not my turn to cook, yay) and even more yay was derek and tisha brought ferrero's pizza mmmmmm mmmmm good. Dakota once again made her dessert request while we did our hand holding. She was taking awhile to get out what she wanted to say and so there was some chattering at the table, she leans over to me and says please tell them to stop talking (uncle derek), funny. Always a wonderful time. But I am happy sad to report the search for tomato horn worms came up empty, which really I am sure my mom was happy about, have I mentioned how destructive they are...really!
Today I came across another preying mantis not the usual kind the kind that looks like a walking stick I wish that I had taken a picture but I was in the zone of cleaning up the front yard, which was so so so needed. But just wanted to share because....
1 comment:
You took some great shots. Been meaning to post mine. I'm two-days behind with posts.
Our kids are so cute. :)
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