name that face
that I run five days a week with a varied route, with hills, with sprints and still I feel like I am a person who just picked up running last week, come on enough already. I mean I hear people talk about over-training but that is sooooo not me I just want to get to a place where I have more good runs then runs where I feel like any opportunity to stop is a good opportunity to stop. I love my running I love being out early, I mean I curse it at times but it is not something I want to stop, so what gives. And that is all I will say about that.
Mondays are long days but good days. I have Marie all day which means dakota has someone to play (fight) with all day.

They are like siblings they play great until they don't and then yelling insues.

But I don't feel right taking my usual afternoon nap which I have gotten so accustomed to, really I don't know what I will do when dakota stops napping because I don't do so well when I don't get one. I am sure sierra would be totally fine with it but i just can't do it. So off to the park we went and met up with Kai who was a troll under the bridge and dakota just thought that was great so for about a minute or two they were both trolls but marie was elsewhere so there was no one to cross the bridge and they moved on.

I think dakota is going through a growth spurt she has been eating a lot. The last two times I have gone to the park with the girls I bring what I think will be lunch and today it was enough for Marie but dakota finished what I brought, ate some of andi's food, then wanted "lunch" when we got home and last night she ate her whole dinner then a bowl of cereal, half an apple and woke up at 2 am saying she was hungry. Hungry girl. I am sure you found that all very intriguing. So I have realized two things one is that my friend dawn has really inspired me to look at ventura with the eyes of someone who has not lived here for as long as I have and I am trying really hard to remember that while I am out with dakota. The other thing that is totally unrelated but related in the story I am about to tell is that I feel like there is a void from the time dakota wakes up till the time she goes to bed we spend our time in the mornings doing things and I have this fear that if we don't get out again she won't be tired. Really I know I need to get over it but those are two of my thoughts. So today in an attempt to fullfill both dakota and I met up with andi and mia for a walk up to the cross, we have done this a couple of times and the girls have a blast, it is mellow so I don't feel like we are going going going all the time. There is this tree up there that look like a horse or imu or alpaca or something and I love it.

and I feel like this is what I need to be doing showing dakota the neat stuff of ventura that I fail to see because I have been here so long it is all sub par. The other thing we talked about on the walk was there was this great pine tree that had a ton of pinecones in all the different stages next time I am going to take pictures. But after the walk

the girls played on the grass and it was just really nice except that dakota was freezing

(I swear where is this girls mom no sweater today no shoes for the wedding geez) but once she got running and wrapped in Andi,s sling all was good.
On a total side note we have quit swimming we didn't go at all last week, we are done. But after the run today I had some smoothie and was freezing so me, dakota and marie got in the jacuzzi and guess who put her hole face in several times, dakota lillie moore. I feel like I did a lot more rambling tonight so sorry for that. have a good night.
I think you're just pushing yourself harder and harder each time you go out. Don't you think? It's better than plateauing, right?
Love the view up there by the cross.
Kris, I told Neil, my Judo instructor, that I felt like I needed more cardio, hence the riding, in part. He told me something that I will share with you to see if it sticks like it did with me. He said, and I'm paraphrasing here, won't you just keep pushing yourself harder to make yourself as tired as you feel you should get. I use my judo class as my yardstick for cardio, strength, spirit, etc. So, with that as my yardstick, I get exhausted everytime, sweating profusely. If I didn't get that way, then obviously I didn't push hard enough. Last thing I wanted to say in my ever increasing ability to relate everything to judo is that one of the things we say is that you are making yourself a better person every time you choose to go out and do something hard like that. So keep it up, and enjoy the hard work.
Happy to see some new eyes on Ventura. I have grown to appreciate certain things now that we are gone...
As far as the running goes... Crosstrain and a week off primary activity every 8 weeks. Those were the things I learned as a college athlete and still stick to them when I get serious about training. Also don't underestimate the boost a little light weight training can give your running... especially since we are getting, Um... a little older! This talk is timely since we just purchased a rowing machine to get us through this winter... don't think the kids are going to be enjoying runs down to the water when it is below zero out... just a guess!
Lovin' the blog! Keep it up...
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