Sunday, September 13, 2009

pre waking

this morning in the pre-waking hour I moved leela to the center of the bed, usually it goes leela, me dakota randy. it doesn't start that way but sometime around midnight dakota finds her way to the "big bed". I have mixed emotions about our cozy queen bed, I wish it were a cozy king size bed really. I don't usually put leela next to dakota because dakota is a crazy sleeper but this morning I was awake and wanted to turn. So there was my husband and our two beautiful girls all facing me all asleep. Then dakota kind of woke up saw leela and cuddled right up to her wrapping her arm over her side and I was just... not even sure of the right word to use but it touched me. I was going to get up and try to take a picture but that would have stirred the bed and the moment would have been over before I could have gotten a photo. So I have it in my mind. I love my family so much I love my girls and my husband, our life is good and I am so lucky to have this family.


Dawn Suzette said...

Awwww... Kristen this is too sweet for words! So happy you decided to stay right there to soak it up...
You are one blessed Mama!
And I do know the want a "cozy king bed" feeling... :)

miyo b. said...

totally gave me goosebumps - you have a beautiful, loving family!!!

Derek said...

Wonderful appreciation of the beauty in your life. That was truly "taking time to smell the roses".

P.S. - I never found the mp3 player so I have a different one for you to use. I'll bring it tonight or you can swing by.

Derek and Sunshines Dad said...

Those moments in your life are deeply sharp and words can never spell the emotional and spiritual depth that are taken in. Aren't they wonderful, and there is a reason there is no camera or way to capture the moment but in the minds eye.

Love Dad and Papa