Leela decided to turn on to her belly today!
At first I thought it was an accident but then she did it a couple more times, she even showed her daddy. Everyday she amazes me and if it is possible to feel someones spirit I can feel hers and it warms mine, she really is amazing.
And her sister dakota is equally amazing, she is cracking me up these days.
On her belly already! Wow... times does go by! What fun those moments!
Cool trike... Fionna still loves hers and won't give it up!!
Great idea to take a weekly pic... it will be fun to see her grow and change that way.
Hey Kids
Wow wish I could of seen that Mom will be excited about that also!!!Good plan to photo Dakota at the same place over time you will be amazed over time
Love Dad
rolling?! Oh no, not already they are getting to be so big so fast aren't they?
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