What a mixture of emotions that I felt this week.
Dakota was so happy and I was happy for her.
She picked out her outfit.

Leela slept so I could focus on dakota.

I made her a healthy breakfast and sat with her and chatted.

She was thrilled to see Marie and they were off.

Before heading into class she talked to daddy and gaggi.

Monday was great, I dropped her off then went to workout
no tears for either of us... Until I picked her up and then she melted
down because she wanted to stay and have lunch.
We worked through it, kind of.
And then daddy brought home flowers for the big girl.

Wednesday again I dropped her off no tears for either of us.
I ran home did some chores then went to my workout.
Easy pick up because we were headed to the park with some friends.
Then came thursday, thursday I just went home and put on some music and did some cleaning.
The thing about cleaning is while I was dusting I could focus on the pictures of my sweet
Dakota Lilllie when she was little little and it just crushed me.
She is growing up way too fast.
Everything is moving so fast.
So I had this major emotional breakdown and then she broke down when I picked her up
over the lunch thing.
At the beginning of the week I thought I was not emotional.
I thought all my angst was over the idea that I am somehow failing her.
Failing her as her teacher.
Not providing enough of the right stimulation.
But then thursday came and it was all of that and then some.
Good thing I have a beautiful baby,
otherwise I would try to figure out a way to stop children from growing because it is really hard on me.
So here it is sunday night and we start again tomorrow.
I am working in her room tomorrow and she is excited about that
which makes me happy because I failed to mention above
that last monday she wanted me gone!
She had claimed school as a parent free zone.
She soon realized that other parents were there and I guess came to terms with it.
Dakota was so happy and I was happy for her.
She picked out her outfit.
Leela slept so I could focus on dakota.
I made her a healthy breakfast and sat with her and chatted.
She was thrilled to see Marie and they were off.
Before heading into class she talked to daddy and gaggi.
Monday was great, I dropped her off then went to workout
no tears for either of us... Until I picked her up and then she melted
down because she wanted to stay and have lunch.
We worked through it, kind of.
And then daddy brought home flowers for the big girl.
Wednesday again I dropped her off no tears for either of us.
I ran home did some chores then went to my workout.
Easy pick up because we were headed to the park with some friends.
Then came thursday, thursday I just went home and put on some music and did some cleaning.
The thing about cleaning is while I was dusting I could focus on the pictures of my sweet
Dakota Lilllie when she was little little and it just crushed me.
She is growing up way too fast.
Everything is moving so fast.
So I had this major emotional breakdown and then she broke down when I picked her up
over the lunch thing.
At the beginning of the week I thought I was not emotional.
I thought all my angst was over the idea that I am somehow failing her.
Failing her as her teacher.
Not providing enough of the right stimulation.
But then thursday came and it was all of that and then some.
Good thing I have a beautiful baby,
So here it is sunday night and we start again tomorrow.
I am working in her room tomorrow and she is excited about that
which makes me happy because I failed to mention above
that last monday she wanted me gone!
She had claimed school as a parent free zone.
She soon realized that other parents were there and I guess came to terms with it.
OOHH, you are such a great Mom to those beautiful girls!!
Sounds like quite the week. As much as it sounds like you are having a hard time it sounds like she is having a great time. Of course, I think Dakota would have a great time anywhere. Way to create that Kris. Sounds like your getting a little time for you too, which is just good for everyone as well. Hang in there Kris.
Hey Bear,
You are being a terrific Mom, and Randy is a super Dad. The firsts are just beginning, and they just keep coming, enjoy each and ever one of them, as you are. The emotions and angst is normal, all a part of being MOM. Very proud of you guys, Proud of my all my Family.
Dakota and Leela's Papa
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