So we are going through some shifts here in the moore house hold. Dakota has her own room and while it has been coming for awhile tonight is the first night that she is going to "sleep" in there. In turning the second bedroom into her room we moved the computer into our room where she has her toddler bed and sleeps and has slept all her life so once the computer came in here night time blogging went out the door. We shall see how tonight goes I have VERY mixed emotions about this whole thing but I asked her if she was ready and she said yes so I am taking her lead and to be honest I don't like it one bit. It was enough that the little lady had to turn four but come on sleeping aaaaallllllllllllllllllllll the way in the other room, okay so our house is only 850 square feet, when she has been next to me or within arms reach for the last FOUR years the other room seems VERY far away. I would be so okay with a family bed through the teenage years, I think, but we don't always get what we want now do we.

As I am writing I have to say that it was also an awesome day, our new president is in office and I am so beyond ready for that change and I am so please to be alive during this time, I am filled with hope.
I hope and feel there is a shift in America, where family values are not just buzz words but we as a people realize that putting our families first will do wonders for the world. I don't mean that in a selfish look out for yourself way but more .... lets remember how to treat our family members and by doing so lets teach our children how to treat us and their neighbors and the people in our community and in doing so we create change on a very human level, at least that is my hope.
Wow apparently I had more to say on the matter than I was anticipating.
Belly is growing and baby is a mover and a shaker.

I am going to post about birthday festivities tomorrow wow was it a wonderful whirlwind.
But for now I am done.
As I am writing I have to say that it was also an awesome day, our new president is in office and I am so beyond ready for that change and I am so please to be alive during this time, I am filled with hope.
I hope and feel there is a shift in America, where family values are not just buzz words but we as a people realize that putting our families first will do wonders for the world. I don't mean that in a selfish look out for yourself way but more .... lets remember how to treat our family members and by doing so lets teach our children how to treat us and their neighbors and the people in our community and in doing so we create change on a very human level, at least that is my hope.
Wow apparently I had more to say on the matter than I was anticipating.
Belly is growing and baby is a mover and a shaker.
I am going to post about birthday festivities tomorrow wow was it a wonderful whirlwind.
But for now I am done.
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