That is what dakota made for randy after dinner tonight. They were having some nice tea as I was cleaning the kitchen and when he asked what it was that was her answer, very interesting. Then he asked what she did today and she told him that she ran 10 miles (I was lazy today and didn't go sorry andi) but apparently she did and according to dakota's conversation with randy she was running "pretty fast" but at "half speed" her miles take about "1 minute". If only I were at here level.
I made an awesome dinner tonight that I have to share. My neighbor recently gave me a ton of different cooking magazines and so slowly I have been going through them and pulling recipes or just tagging them if there are several within. It has been great because I have been in such dinner doldrums and coming up with new yummy meals can be so difficult. I hate arriving at 430 with no dinner plans spins me right into a bad mood. I have found cuisine at home
Here is what I was thinking at dinner tonight, are you ready for the deep thought, I don't remember ever telling my mom that I didn't like something she cooked, that thought or those words were just not there. Dakota is an awesome eater and she will try anything for the most part but she doesn't hesitate to say that she doesn't like something and I don't know how I feel about that. Part of me thinks well that is fine we have a one bite rule so at least she is trying it. But the other part of me thinks no this is dinner this is what we are having it is not up for judgement. When I was a kid we ate what we were given and if we didn't like it well fine but you still ate it. I really don't know just thinking out loud as the title states! Hahahah.
Moving on we met up with our friends at the park today and it was so nice to see everyone and I think we are going to get back into the swing of things. We used to have a play group and we met once a week and we were really good about it but over this last summer new babies were born, and then sickness so it feels like ages but I think we are back on. Yay
Oh, the dinner issue. It seems that it is always dinner! Not breakfast or lunch....
I have too many thoughts on this to share here but I just keep giving them what we are eating and finally Fionna is starting to come around. I don't have as much of an issue with the don't like it - as long as they say it with manners - but I do have issue with the won't even try it.
When Fionna was Dakota's age...not so long ago...she was so stubborn that she would rather walk away from the table than try something new... she is just coming around to the "take at least one bit" Try it! Then majority of the time she says that she likes it... or Thanks for making it but no thank you. I think it is good to foster their own taste but they need to be pushed to expand their little foodie horizons...
I find that if they help make dinner they are more likely to eat it without complaint too...Or try the crazy things they get to pick at the market.
thanks dawn I always value your opinion and would love for you to email me more of your thoughts always curious.
Oh, we have the same dinner issues too! I hate not knowing what to cook for dinner and we are in a rut right now, with having the same things over and over again! We have the 1 bite rule in our house also, Jakob is usually pretty good about it, because he knows he can have pasta or a hot dog after he tries it! But in general he is a great eater - lucky for me.
Maybe we could trade recipes, well I don't have many but I would love to have a few new ones!
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