So today I had four kids over and just me and let me tell you I am beat. Jet, Sophia, Dakota and Marie had a great time playing and being silly. The morning started out with tea for three as Jet had not yet arrived.

After Jet arrived there was house and chase and jeep driving and swinging and little people. They were everywhere and I was so not prepared. And I couldn't fit them in my car, it could have been a perfect beach day. But I think they all had fun.

Then came the painting. As hard as Dakota tries she just can't help but get into her painting.

And Marie was ready to follow suit.

And together watch out!

So after that the sprinkler had to come out and even with the sprinkler and being rubbed down the bath was still blue!

It was a fun and busy day! I think back to when my grandma had her five children and I wonder what the heck she did day in and out but they had a farm with plenty of
CHORES to do. I think that we may be the first generation to be re-staying home with our kids but instead of helpers around a large home or a home with many many many thing to do to occupy time we are attempting to find other meaningful ways to engage our children and teach them the important things. Did that make any sense at all besides in my own head?
WOW! I am lovin' the yellow... I just got a chance to catch up after our super busy birthday weekend.
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Happy your having fun blogging! Happy Dakota is healing!
Great observation about the difference with stay at home moms and the generations.
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