Amy and family were coming to town and yahooo how we love to see them. Then dakota got the sniffles and amy and family are headed to d-land next week so the last thing they want is sickness. So after some chatting we decide to go for it and just be careful not to let the kids share food or drink, I went so far as to say no hugging, which I think totally threw them off.
It was funny because it seemed like they were having a hard time finding that groove and at one point I was calling out to dakota who was playing in the sand with some other kids 'hey dakota you should play with noah he isn't going to be here for long' and noah corrects me and says it is okay because dakota is making a surprise picture in the sand for him, after that I let it go and they were in the zone.
unfortunately we didn't get together sunday before they left, it was just one of those things, so that was a real bummer but at least we got a couple hours with them on saturday. Thanks for coming you guys.
Today dakota had a bake sale at her school
Now I am off to eat some of the goodies I bought yum yum.
so sad i missed the bake sale today. maybe i'll ditch class tomorrow for 20 minutes and catch it then. so nice to see you today:)
oh...canNOT believe that is Layla...too cute!
Good Morning Kids!!!
Looks like Noah and Bake sale a big Hit with all Wish I could have made it to the bake sale Leela is growing like a weed. Look out Dakota.
Love Papa
Love that Dakota has her man. Katie plays with girls so often now seemingly by choice, I love seeing her play with my friend's son Jake and play well.
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