I love my life. It may be hard or frustrating or this that and the other thing at times but all in all I am a really happy person.
How do kids know to wake up extra early on special mornings?
Dakota was up with the sun ready to see if the easter bunny had come to visit... and sure enough he had.
Or they had according to dakota there is both a boy and a girl easter bunny and they currently have babies that they brought along as well. Also according to dakota they came into her room and gave her kisses and then the girl bunny gave daddy a kiss and I got kisses from both. I love the stories she tells.
So up with the sun to an easter basket with toys and candy. I tried really hard to not go over board and I would give myself a C. On saturday me and my girlfriend went out to get goodies and I bought stuff and then realized I didn't need half the things I bought, well dakota didn't and so I took the stuff back. HA I had my friend do it because I was embarrassed having just left the store 20 minutes earlier. I love you Dione!
Dakota was thrilled and then it was off to the backyard to look for eggs.

After the fun at our house we headed to gaggi and papa's for breakfast and more easter fun. Derek and Tisha came and my mom and dad hid eggs not only for dakota but for the adults too. Guess what was in the adult eggs...$$$$$ goooooo team moore.
Randy found a lot but I opened them so doesn't that make it mine?
We had a great breakfast and some more chocolate and then headed home.
The rest of the day was pretty mellow. That is until Superhero Dakota showed up and she was very busy swinging from swing to swing saving the queen and just being a superhero.

Happy Easter Everyone.

How do kids know to wake up extra early on special mornings?
Dakota was up with the sun ready to see if the easter bunny had come to visit... and sure enough he had.
So up with the sun to an easter basket with toys and candy. I tried really hard to not go over board and I would give myself a C. On saturday me and my girlfriend went out to get goodies and I bought stuff and then realized I didn't need half the things I bought, well dakota didn't and so I took the stuff back. HA I had my friend do it because I was embarrassed having just left the store 20 minutes earlier. I love you Dione!
Dakota was thrilled and then it was off to the backyard to look for eggs.
After the fun at our house we headed to gaggi and papa's for breakfast and more easter fun. Derek and Tisha came and my mom and dad hid eggs not only for dakota but for the adults too. Guess what was in the adult eggs...$$$$$ goooooo team moore.
Randy found a lot but I opened them so doesn't that make it mine?
We had a great breakfast and some more chocolate and then headed home.
The rest of the day was pretty mellow. That is until Superhero Dakota showed up and she was very busy swinging from swing to swing saving the queen and just being a superhero.
Happy Easter Everyone.
Sunday, was a blast indeed. Wow, I never knew my niece was a superhero too. She is going to have so much to teach her little sister, like how to swing like a monkey with the greatest of ease. And look so fierce in her superhero mask. Hope she has worked up a monster sushi appetite for tonight. I think if nothing else she will be well entertained.
Sounds super fun! Dakota has got some moves.. and lovin' the bunny loves!
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